Rapport de renseignement SPOT

1D-OSI 24-0-259

Sujet : (Déclassé) Rapport d'Information sur Appareil Non-Conventionnel (Salem, Massachusetts).
Enquête Spéciale

À: Directeur des Enquêtes Spéciales
Quartier-Général de l'USAF
Washington 25, D. C.


vers le , Shell R. Alpert, 292-624 SN, Photographe de la base USCG, Base aérienne des Gardes-Côtes U.S., Salem, Mass. a observé quatre (4) objets aériens non-identifiés à l'ouest de la base. Une photographie des objets fut prise. Aucune activité ou condition développée expliquant l'observation.


le , un appel téléphonique fut reçu de J. F. Mc Cue, commandant de l'USCG, officier commandant de la base aérienne des garces-côtes U.S. de Salem, Mass., rapportant que 2 de ses hommes avaient observé des objets aériens inhabituels vers le , et que l'un de ces hommes avait pris une photographie des objets. Le 16 July 1952, le commandant Mc Cue fut contacté par l'Agent Spécial Richard W. Randall, et les informations suivantes furent obtenues :

  1. Shell E. Alpert, 292-624 SN, USCG, Photographe de la base, U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, Salem, Mass., avait remarqué une lumière très brilliante dans le ciel à l'ouest de la base. Alpert attrapa son appareil photo et prit une photographie de la lumière brillante. Alpert appela Thomas E. Flaherty, 273-206 HM-1, USCG, qui se trouvait dans le même bâtiment et vit aussi une lumière brillante dans le ciel. Alpert fournit les informations qui suivent.
  2. Trois (3) objets glowing bright and then light and disappeared like a light being dimmed with a rheostat. Objects appeared to waver slightly and glow as a light source. ALPERT could not determine the shape nor formation, aerodynamic features, or propulsion system. ALPERT did not see any trail, exhaust, or maneuvers. ALPERT did not hear any sound and could not tell if the objects were moving, After ALPERT developed the photograph, he noted that there was a difference in numbers than what he had observed.
  3. Objects sighted by ALPERT at approximately 0935 hours, 16 July 1952 and were observed for approximately 25-30 seconds.
  4. Observed by ALPERT through a fine mesh screen window, Photograph was taken through the same window with a 4 x 5 Busoh Pressman, with an f 4.7 raptar lens, 135 mm, with settings of f 4*7 at 1/50th of a second, on Kodak Super XX film.
  5. ALPERT has been a member of the U. S, Coast Guard for one and one-half years, and previously attended the Art Center School, Los Angeles, California. FLAHERTY was a member of the U. S. Navy for two years, seven months, and U. S. Coast Guard for five years, four months. Commander MC CUE advised that ALPERT is an excellent photographer, and that both ALPERT and FLAHERTY are very stable and reliable.
  6. Weather conditions, as reported by U. S. Coast Guard Station Aerology Office for 0926 hours, 16 July 1952, are as follows: thin, broken clouds at 28,000 ft., visibility six (6) miles, wind southwest eight (8) knots, altimeter setting 3*05, temperature 84 °F.
  7. No activity or condition is known that might account for the sighting.
  8. Photograph taken of the objects is attached as an inclosure.
  9. No interceptor or identification action taken. Sighting of objects was not reported to Commander MC CUE until approximately fifteen to thirty minutes after they were observed.

THuvG &. FWHSBTC oonfimed time and place of sighting and stated he was of the opinion that the light in the sky was a reflection of a plane or light reflected off an automobile wlndehind. PLaHHKTX oould give no further account of the sighting.