Cas 33 - 24 juin, près de Joliet (Illinois)
A 13 h 50 (CDT), l'ingénieur de chemin de fer Charles Kastl, de 267 Webster Street, à Joliet, marchait le long
d'une route nationale à 10 miles environ à l'est de Joliet lorsqu'il vit une peculiar formation de 9 objets
circulaires plats allant plus vite que n'importe quel avion que j'aie jamais vu
. Ces 9 disqus, comme ceux
d'Arnold, were stretched out in a straight line at an estimated
height of 4000 pieds et volaient en direction du sud depuis le nord.
I could see no connecting link between them
, rapporta Kastl, but they acted as though the leading disc
had a motor in it to power the others, because when it flipped, the others would, too. When it would right itself,
the others would right themselves.
Kastl, who had 14 years of experience with the E. J. and E. Railway as an engineer, said the objects were not
very large.
When asked by newsmen if he had been drinking, he answered sternly, I was on my way to work, and
you know a railroad man never touches the stuff on or before duty hours
. His friends and neighbors all agreed
that Kastl was not the sort of man given to telling tall stories.
Cas 240 - 4 juillet, près de Craig (Montana)
Curt Dennis, Great Falls artist and sculptor, and his wife, were fishing on the Missouri River a few miles north of Craig at Hardy Bridge, about 38 miles southwest of Great Falls. During the midafternoon their attention was drawn to the sky by a brilliant flashing. Dennis looked up and saw a group of silver-colored objects to the south. Because they had to look into the sun, the configuration of the objects was difficult for the witnesses to make out clearly.
They were flying in a single-file formation
, Mr. Dennis said. There were about 12 of the objects and they
'shined-up' like silver and looked like a string of plates going over.
He and Mrs. Dennis watched the formation
travel at high speed in a northwesterly direction until they had disappeared beyond the high and rugged horizon to
the northwest in a matter of seconds.”
In his follow-up of this sighting, Dr. McDonald learned that Dennis was no longer alive, but he was able to get in touch with Mrs. Dennis, who verified the details of the original news report.
She had been the first one to notice them and called them to her husband's attention. She described them as round and disc-like, silvery and flashing in the sun. Their first impression had been that they were ducks, but the objects were too bright and too big. She added that it had been her impression that the objects -- at least ten of them, she recalled -- had been tumbling over and over, although at the time she said her husband was not so certain of this detail. However, Mrs. Dennis had put on a pair of sunglasses to view them, as they were first seen in the direction of the sun, and she suggested that this motion may have been an oscillation, rather than tumbling. She was certain that they were not moving smoothly, like aircraft. They were high up and, to her, looked huge. No sound was heard. Mrs. Dennis told McDonald that the experience came back to her vividly as she spoke of it over the phone. He was favorably impressed with the results of his conversation with her.