Airship Sailed Over Crowley

Daily News de Galveston (Texas), p. 6.,
s1 Flood, Chuck: "'AIRSHIP SAILED OVER CROWLEY.', Galveston (TX) Daily News, October 11, 1907", Magonia Exchange, 2 janvier 2008

Mrs. Fontennot and Son Viewed It for Ten Minutes.


Crowley, La., Oct. 10. -- At 8:30 a.m. Wednesday several persons distinctly saw an airship passing over Crowley and traveling westward. Mrs. John Fontennot and her son were among those who saw the airship at the hour named. Mrs. Fontennot says that the airship was high enough that it was occasionally hidden behind clouds. As the morning was cloudy and the barometer shows a very low register, it is believed that the machine was not over half a mile high. It is stated that the airship was cigar-shaped and from the center was suspended by ropes what appeared to be a car. Mrs. Fontennot was not able to distinguish persons in the car. The airship remained in sight about ten minutes.