The Flying Saucerians : An open door cult

SOCIOLOGY AND EVERY DAY LIFE iyitii hcig~itcncci intercst in outrr spnco :md ttic advnnccd twhiiology tIi:it will soori ;illow imri to c.xplore it, niniiy have r,c:tcd ? sourcrF of nxpliiti;~- t~ 111 for iintt tirig<. SIIL!I sigtitings 1inn.r iwcn going on fix cctiIl:rics. evciAirir: a vast niimbcr of explanaLions. frim ! 'ivirie intcrvniiiioi~ in the f.mi of rniinclcs to thc midniglit flight of prticipaiits in a witclies' Snbbnth. Altlin91~h ni:iriy giotip~ niid org~itiiz~tlo~i~ An Open Ooor Ciilt *t If. Triylrw nucfiricr Iiavc itiidrrtakcn tn itivestiçntc tlic-sc ihciiomcrin, soinc ol thcw i,nvcsiig:iIois ( iiicliitling acndcrnicinris and govrriiinciit njyiicic..~) linvc slimvii lcss skc.;,tic-isin tlinri otiicrs, c-\lx:ci;iily almit rvp tri.i 11- kging ni.tiid rontnct witir visilo.,; from otlic-r world;. Some of ilicsc? pclrsi.,iic 1i.i~~ fonnrd groclx tint lr.ivr! tnkeri tlit- fn:;n of iicw &$oris cults. Profcssor lluckncr cxnmincs ono such organization bclow. EDITOR 1:isrhr 2.. its sociirl ir~pnct is conçcrrictl thta flyiiiç sniicer it:igiit ûs wcll Ii:i\.r I)wn a flyiiig Ibrsctinch Glot. hv iiiti:ryi.etntion of its "truc" nicaniiig c;iii bc advanced, indced prohnl)lp lias iieen ad\.nnc~d, and since tliiw nrc no cxteninlly vcrifi:ihie f; rio interpretalioii cm be rcfutc:!. '! liis fnct lins Iiad an iiiiportmt rfft ct cn the org:iiiizations foiindrd 11:; !Iyiilg saucer ùelkvcrs, or ilying cniic-crians, and on tlie flying sauceri;iii,: tiit~iiist:lvc?s. Ilcfore spenking of tliis. !;r:-vcver, kt us hriclly rcvicw tlic Iiistory of thc flying s.~I!cL'~. Tlicrc iirc iwo riiiiin phascs, p~~~>iihr cxcitc!iiriit mid ocuiit co!oriiz:i:,i)ri. .. . Tlic ptiiisc of popillnr c~ciic,iiic:it has thcc riiiiin p. ,r iwls. T1ir:r. is n pcriod of scnsitimtion wiiich l;;stcJ frorn 1CW7 to 19.7 1. lIi(-rc is a pcriotl of Iiystmia iri 1952, ntid n pcriod of sccoiidnry 1iy:cri.i follo\~ii~l;: Spiitiiik in tlic 1:ist nionths ot 19.57. This i~ ri plinse of iriily pnplar exii 4.i.ic.rit. 3I;iny of :fic pcopic, inclcc~i ni.;;i>- nbiy niust. wlio saw iiyiiii; .3;iiiccrs wcrc in nll other ways quite :ioniini. As ;i ;r..iil~ :n;::iy pa~~plc to t!iii. ri.-,:,? arc uri\:dling to cc:nplctcly.~c;!** t tiie . ,' idcn tliat there :s soriic:iiiiig up tiierc." Tiic course oi ihc p1i;i.s~ of 1,opiilx excitcniciit \vas ils foilows: ?I'!,cn Scnncth Arnold saw soinct hing 1i.çi11 Iiis airplane nezr XIoivit 1hii)ic.r in flint? 1!1.17, lie g;ivc? tlicrii tlic 1i;ippy :121iic of Ilyiiin, s;iiiccrs.' Tliis coiicictr: naine Jctiiictl ii prwiously un&-fincd cli!ss of piiciiorii~ri;~ iintl pcqdc hgnn fiftirig tlicir exprrir-rices to it. Just as in the Scnttle Wintl:;liicld Pittiiig Epidcniic wiirre pcoplc lookcd nt tlicir wiiic!!~lii(*l(ts for tlic Crst tiine inst(,:id of throlicIi tlicrii. sveiits wiiich u.ould othrnvise cxcitc no noticc 1)cc;iiiic c;ii~ze fer spcc111:ition.~ 'l'iiroiigli iIic rrsl of 19 17, J!blS, I!>I!l, 1!150 nritl tiiiwd to coiiic. in nt ri rate of .LIRI io 2(;O R yenr. Ihring this pcriml of scrisiliz;ition the pul)lic at lnrgc c;iriic !O he :iwarc of tlie word Ilying s;iiicrr, and !o bc iinsure of its rciilitv or iiiziniii~. On AIiiy 20, 1950, towrcl the e!icl of the period of smsitiz:itioii 9-1 pcr cciit of tlic rcspoiidcrits ol tlic rcg11;ir Amcriciin Institute of 1'iil)lic Opinioii poil cl;iiincd to Iiiive Iicmd of fiying s;iiiccr.;. Thc 1;irgcst portion of tlirsc pc-oplr: s;iid tlwy ditln't kriow w1:at thcy tvcre, :irid tliosc wlio tlioiil;lit tiicy kiicw guessctl wiltlly.:' In April to July of 1952 Lifc iiirigazine and :lie Unitcd States Air Fmcc maii;igd to triggcr the flying snuccr Iiystcriî ;vtiich we al1 rcmcinber. On April 7 Lilc priiitrti an ;irticlc wiiicli :ir~tird 11i;it t1w flyiiig sniiccrs cïiiiic Irocii :iiioilicr pl:iiic.t. Tltcn tl~c :?rr 1;orcc I>cgnii to i.r.poit scriii< 11yii:q s;iiic:cirs. Tliroiigii ;i scirics oi i:icrtdii)le p111)Iic rclntiniis I>lu;iti(.ï~ \vliicli riiiigctl froin giving offici;ii s;ir~c.ticlii to wild rcports lo ;uiv;iricii:g p:itciiily :il)siirtl "csp1;;ii;it ioiis" i in. Air i'orcc ill;iil;i~fY~ 1o tari t iw il\..\- trriii. ljy ilw (vid of i!)X 1501 si;iiiiiiqs 1i;id Iwcri rcporrc(1 for tlic yr.:r. + l'ltc 11yst~ri;i LaIl iiwiy riipi~l:!., tlioiig!i not to tlic? low lcvcl of t;ic scrisiti~irig pcriod, ;iiitI w;u !);it.i;!. rcvivcd wlicii pcopic: 1wg.iii 1oAii.g nt tlic sky nftcr Spiitiiik w\loit i?p i;i Octcilx.r, .l!).57. Tliis ciitlcd tlic ~li~t. ol ~~op~l;ir excilciiii.iii. 'I'l~crc arc stili pvoplc wlio rclloit scciiig !I>.iiig s;iriccrs 1nit tlicir nunhcrs arc rjuiic srn;ill. Tlic sccoiicl plr;isc. \vliic.Ii o\.~*rl;ip tlic first, is ilic p1iii.w of ocdt cdonizntioii. it coiisisis, in hricf. oi pcopic wiiti rcport iiot tht t1ir.y ii.i\c swii soiiivtliiiig iii tiir* six I~it ' !ii.r; t1ir.y hvci 1i;id pt.rsoii;~i contiict :vit!i hirifis froiii ;iirotIivr pl.iiic~t wiio wSrc piloiirig tlir: fiyin3 sniiccrs. Tiiib ih clc;irly qiiitc ;i diiicrcrit pliclioiiii'noii. Tlic dcfiiiitiori of tlic situation iii occnit ttmns 1)cg;iii in S5.70 with lii~, piiidicntion ai two Iln<>h, oac of: wliicli wns th<: first siiiicci.i;in i~ook conil>lvtc with litth: green ~i~(!ii."' Tlicso two 1)ooks. piirticiiinrly Friink Sctiliv's Ur,liititi tlte I;l!yiiic: Sarrrc'vi. are lookctl iipoti hy s;iiiccrinris as ilid b<*girining of the tr;idition. I'hc piib1ic;ition cxplosioii hit tIic ;i\ \'iilg S.;iiCCiS .VCic! pliIlii.ilir>d iii tiicsc t~vo ye:it.s." Tlic-sc !~t~tAs Fo:iiid ii rc:itly nii(licrtcc of i:iii~ri~stL~tl pcoplc wiio worc still wontic.t.i:iq t\.iiiit flging s;iiiccrs twrc iiftcr tri, liysttrin of 19.32 h;id p;icsed. ?I;iiiy peoplc rc:id tficse books, fpw klicwd :lieni. nciiig as cli:irit;ible .i* ;lo\\ii~ic iiio>t of th~sc hmks tvori!d i1<1( c~or~viiicc it riitiier di111 tcii yc;it OLI. I$iit niniiy li~vplc wcrc conviriccd. 1'1'11r) tvcre tIiy:',- I' thiiik tlii~t [lie. ,rii\\vcr iiiust Iw tii;it tiicy tvcre people , \~Iio wcre nirt.:itiy bclicvcrs in the i~~rtiil ,lid ps).cliic. *Tlwsc pt-opil. wlio lwlicwcl th ilyi:?\; s.iiiccr t~ook~ ~)c~II. st;rrtirig in 1!iZ iiiii1 1936. to hiid togvt lier in iI!.iiig S~I~ICLT cliil~.~ micl to 110ld fly- II!< \:I~IcI~~ ~<;ii\.<~~it ii)iIS. 11 l;irg(* CII;I~I~ III' wiccr cItil)s, ~i~clcr~tii~~clir~g Inc~t)i.~~riiteci, \vils s1;irtcd ii~ 19%. AS :i iiaturnl coiiscciiirticv of t!ie existeiice of tiiis piil>lic ;i iitriii!~: of inagiiziiles -iiiy S:ICICf'rF lxpi to lx pu1)Iislic~l. Tliis \vas a pc-riod of grwt grotvth for Ilging A .soci;il woild is a ciiltiire arca. a tini\wcc of rcgul:iriï.cd riiiitiiiil rcspoiisr:, wliosc* 1miriid;iries ;ire sct I)y tlie liiiiit of clf<*ctivc ~oiiiiniiiiicii tions. Encli sociiil wcrid hris n utri\.crsc of cliscoiirsc iii wliicli pertinent cxpcrienccs 3r~ catcçorizcc\ i:i particular ways. Çociiil worltls hvc nonils oi . coiitliict, scts of ~iliic*~. prciitigc laddcrs, II pc.rsgrctivcs 6t tvorld virws.' l'lie soci;il world of IIic occul: "swkcr" is a vcry nitusii;il one.* The scckcr tnovcs in A worid populiitcd by ;isir;ii cpirits, cosmic tnitiis, astrologers, mystcry schools. lost conti~cnts, magic hcnlinç. hunxin "inms," "secotid coinings," telepatliy, aiid vibrations. ,4 typical occuit secker will prob;il,Iy have becn n l~osicniciiin, n mciii1)cr of M;iiikind Uiiitcd. a Tlicosopliist and also n mcnil>t?r of four or T:imotsii Sliihiitnni, "ndcrrncc Crniips nrrd Sncinl Contrai," In Il~rimn net~rrvior (in11 Sorirti Proccsacs. cd. Arnold Ihc ( Rocton: 1 lt,irghtoti hlifnin Coiii;i:iii~, 1 W2), W. 13%"7. 8 Tliis idcn of ncctilt srçkrrq Is qtiitc simi1;ir to tliiit wrd hy John l.o[iun:!, "Tho \Vnrl~l Savcrs" ( Dnctnriil dl~sertntion, Ueartment of Sociology, unlverslty of Cali* Fornia at n~rkd~y, 1861). , I \ -. - ... - . . A. .- - 'Tlic Flviiig 9;iiirrriniis: Aii Opan Jhor Ciih ii1.c criinllcr spccific ciilts. Thc pntiem ol rn~~i~ii~crsl~ip i oiit? of c~miiriiioiis rnovcmcnt frciii oric iclc.i to ;iiiothr.r. Sc~kers ::t;iy rvikli ii ciilt iintil thcv are sntisficd thnt the). cxri Icirrii no iilorc froni it, or that it h:is noiliiiig to oflcr, nnri thcn t1ic.y inow on. Scejrcrs know ont. ;inorficr Ii;iviiig sccn encli ntlicr at varioiis mcctirigs over the years, so thnt thc is nn occiilt social worlcI \vliicIi contnins al1 of the \l:iriniis pliilocnpliics atid nll the people who rcstlctrlg iiiovc f.oni oiic to niiotlicr ot tliciii. Aiiy ncw philc?c«pi+Q caii gaici ri large firsttime :iurlicncc siriiply by lcttiiig it be known aii!oiig the scekcrs tlint it exists. Tlicre are vcry fcw occult pliiloropf tics, Iiowc~w, \vliich ;ire so weil org:iriiLd as to kcep. the iiitrrcst of the schr over ni:iny years. If tlic seeker docsn't ircl tlint die is Icnriiing ariytliins, or thnt soiiirthing is being hidden from Iicr, shc wiil niovc on. I'hc Iimits of the occult world are the limits of tlic communication structures providd by thc occulr orgnnizations and the informal fnccto-face contacts of occultists. III The Aying snuccr movement stnrtcd as just anotlier distiiict occult philosophy but it grndiinlly cliançcd and is now an opcri door cuit. Ilow did this corne about? The niost iiiiportant siiiglc kict about the flyinq saucer clubs 1 Iiavc htid contact \rith is thnt tiiey wvrc orgr;nitcrl bv peqlc \*:ho werc functioiiing within the occiilt social world. One p;:rticular club which 1 have foi!y~ved for cc,:eraI !;c.nrt, pcrsorinlly, and wiiose records I Iinve been able to cxaininc is ~xriinps tmic;il in tliis reprd. Its organizcr was a latcmiddle agcd lady \vliose formal education had ended with the fourth gr;i(lc. Slic iiscs ilic titlr? "lkvcrcncl" which slic w:is givcii hy ii in;in ~?io cl;iiiiis tlic iitlc liiiiisclf, ;irid wiio hi \>wii t;ikcrn to ~isk })y clic Si,iti. O:' C;ilifonii;~ f!>r tlispci~sii~g titlcs for ;I fcc. Slie h;id bccn a riicrrilxr oi h1.111- kiml C'i~itvcl ldorc tlic 1v;ir niicl li.i" to sntisfy tiiis dificiiity. i1iivi:i; a 11:iIl 41c tlicii iii;iiletl oril ~ostc;ircis "to hcr friciids." llcr ii.ic,iic.h. oi coursc. wcrc pcoplc slie hiic\v Iioiii iicr (:oritiicts in tlic wodd of ot.c.trh sc,-kcrs. Ta th first irir*c-tirig ol .i ncw ciiil> in Fcbrwiry 1!)X ironi a single iiiniling OF post c;irtis r:iriic thirty-rive people. Tlic first tiiree mcctiiip consistcd of cjuitc striiightfonvartl f?ying sni:ccr iiiformntioii. Tlic foiirth iticr!iirg wlis on "Spicc Ycopk in tlic 1Jible." Wlint is tlic flyiiig siiuccr story? Tlie flyiiig sariccr cIiii)s \V<:I.C OI.~.IIIized iii-oriricl a f;iirly sirripic idm. 111 brief it is tlint iiitclli~ciit I)ciiigs froiii otlicr p1;incts. distiirht CI l>y iii;.iiliiii!'s cicvclopniciit of atomic eiicrgy, h;it.c appcnred ahove carth in flying s~uccrs with the intelit of. sn9:iii:; :lia;, frorn hiiiiscif. Iii its originiil foniiüi.i tioii, wliicli was the ioni~ul.itii>ii currcnt wlicn niost clubs \~CII> fornied, th flyiiig snuccr is ii iii.itc*i.i:ii object which operates on niagnctic First of nll tfie mci~ibcrs arc oltl. Tiic ;ivcr,ip nçc is ~>ï~l>iil>l~ ;iroiiiid 63 ;iricl tlicrc nrr: vcry fcw pcwplc unt1r.r l;l'ty. kht of th:, p~rli;i;)s !;O p-r cciit of the r(~giiI.ii.s, arc tvoincn. Tlie orc1iii;ir-y nicctiiip. tlieii. \vil1 hase ;in ntidiertcc wliicli is nt lcnst SO per cent coiiiposcd of womeii ove: fifty yenrs old. Sccoiitlly, nrid tiiis is less firin, niost of the memuers steiii to 1)e widowcd or sinç!~. Tlicre iire very few cottples . , wlto attciiti, ;irid tliere are a fcw wlio atten(l wlio are iiiiirricti to lionbc*licvcis v.710 tlo iiot nttriicl. Tliircl, thci scmo-ccoricwiic stntrts of th niiwibcrs scciiis 10 !iover aroiintl tlic iipp:r-working cliiss and lowcr-midcllc cl;iss liiie ~villi, pcrli:ips. a grc:itor disl>crsiori c!otvriirxtl tkn iip~vnrd. .. Fourtli, the [orinal cducation lcvel of kost niernbers is qiiite low. This ltns a consctiiieiice in tIi;it altliougli tiivy spcncl ;il1 tlirir tiinr: Icnrning. nid they consiclrr thcni.cc1ves "stiidents," they do not Iciirii tliirigs in nn ordcrctl nr?d disciplineci wnv, I~ut build III) chtrnks of disroiincctetl knowlcdgc whic5 tliey ciiiriot Iirinç to benr 011 a problcin nird which tlicy cantiot ., . systciii;itire. I'iftli, thc p1iysic;il lieil ltii of tlic .iiidiriicc al!pc,irs to be ixicl, ' --ven worse tlinn would Ie accoiirttcd for by the higli average nge. M;itiy mernbers are tle;if, ni:lny have very poor vision, riiaiiy walk with the aid of sticks and miiiiy more display obvious pfiysicnl hrinclicnps of otlitr types. Sixth, by aiiy coiiveiitioiinl definition the rnciital 1;caltli levcl of the audience is qiiitr low. Hnlluciii;i- II. Taylor Uuckncr Tii the pas: this opcri door pnlic). ; been wide cnoiigli to iricliiclc sociaiism. bircliisni, pcnce. rct irrriicnt iiiich iiiny Le clcar, occiili lirirs hnvc :i:r,lilt!cJ: Lcri:ürianisrii, astrdo~y, iIosii,n;~i.~~~isiii, Yoga, Ihha'i, CiiriF- :i.tri Yop. L'nity, Divine Prii~cipI(:s, . r -T I O I,:-nltl~ food, nsccdcd in; tlic hhstcr c\cthc.riirs, trcliriii.ii rnctapl:ysics. Ncpo history, cnlor iic.ili:ig. trcc cnrrgy. Akiisliic rccorcls, c.i*it'sti;d iiirisic ai:d lip~wc>liwi.~i The - \:rilin to\~iiid \.:iricty is clt:ir. 13rit iiiircsti-aincd t.:.r1..i y is cli.iot ic and wxki kaci to n ~iiiii!l nvrr:isc nitcd .incc ns an\- sinclr linv m.iv ,ittnct Somc tliirigs, such as political lines, . ciin i>c presented in a coiivcrition ~viicrc pople will sit stiil for theni, i hiit couiti not bc prcccri!cd in a iiict'tiiig. \vliere no oiic \~:oitici coine. -.. . , 1 .:c iounclirig of the Uniscrsal Party, !!le saucerians' very own political prty. 'irew exictly 11 pcoplr, six of w;iorn hnd set it up, fuiir r~ic~nhcrs of :he "audience." and iri~.'~ Attctidnncc likc ihat tfoesn't pay the rcnt. Silice in tlicory the !Iyilig saucer cliih is a rr;illy open platforin for th- presciiI:ition of rinytliing thnt wiil I~iiiltl a "hettcr worltl" tlic pcoplc \dia clioosc tliu spcakcrs do not cxplicitly choosc tliosc who drnw a bis ;iiir!icwx. Tlicy dq in fîct, chose spcdtrs tliat tlrnw a large autlicnce, brit 1 thiiik tlic process is largcly uncoriscious. Spwkcrs are not ctiarxtcrizcd as Iwing popular or uiipolmlar but as hiiig good or bad. This has notliiiig to do with tlieir spcakiiig nhilit): but with tlic intcrcst the audiciicc hns in tlicit topic. Tlic c2iaractc*ristics of (Iic audience alfcct \vlixt tlwy WOI'.~ to 1ic:ir. Time aftrr tinie tlic "good" spcnkcrs are III(: l~calcrs. Aiiytliiiig which hns lo do \rith pliy!;ic;il ciiscaso wilI clraw a good sizcd audience, nnd if the spr:ikcr prcscnts a linc of magic i~cnlitig witli rricntnl powcr t!ic aildicnce will Iw lnrgc and intcrested. Th' Iiealcrs on the Undcrstuntliiig lecture hi1 arc dl con-mer; of soinc talcnt,. and tticy use the flyirig saucer club iil;iffnrni to, innkr !i?cir pil~lic pitch Cor iiriviitc, cxpcnsive trcatincnts or thcrnpy. Thus, given liinitcd amounts of riioney, 1ic;iling spcakcrs arc a self liiiiitiiig group. Flying saüccr clubs will iicver hccome exclusively devoted to healing speakers but thcy will continue to drift toward an exclii~ive intcrcst in the magic heaiing of the problcms, social, cconoiriic, political, piiysicnl and mcatnl, of the aged. And this drift wili continue wittwut anyone making a conscious orgnriizational dccision to